With the cold come the colds

With the cold come the colds, flu and other diseases that are associated with winter. You can ask yourself if in winter the defenses go down and that's why there are more colds.

The defenses do not go down with the cold, but the germs live better at certain temperatures and that is why they have more capacity to infect us, but for adults it is more bearable, since by contact with the environment we have developed more antibodies and the system Immune is much more mature.

In your little one, the immune system is less mature and has less defensive capacity and although we cannot avoid germs, there is no harm that for good does not come. Your child's organism is interested in what viruses and bacteria attack as it is a way to create defenses and make the child's immune system mature.

It is very normal for the child to catch a cold, in fact the cold is not a problem, but the complications that can come with it such as bronchitis, otitis, etc. So a small cold has to be very well taken care of. The child has fully developed his immune system from the age of seven, so, until he reaches that age he can suffer several colds at the end of the year. Food is the basis of health, with a good diet you can prevent infectious diseases, and one of the most effective to prevent them is the vitamin C that some fruits (especially citrus fruits) and some vegetables give, these should be cooked in their fair measure so that they do not lose properties.

Some habits are also important for your child's health. Wash your hands with soap and water after sneezing or changing your diaper. If a family member has a cold, they should not share the glass or cutlery. No smoking at home, passive smoking increases the frequency and intensity of colds and infections. It is important to wash the pacifier and the nipple with hot water very often, whether it is cold or not. Use disposable tissues, since a cloth helps promote continuous contact with germs. Aerate the enclosed spaces, so you will oxygenate them and help in the elimination of germs. When your child is sick, it is very convenient to change the sheets often and get a microclimate at home of about 20º in the day and 2º less at night.

Video: Colds, Flu and Antibiotics (July 2024).