The best photos of childbirth and postpartum 2018: 19 stunning photographs that reflect the beauty of birth

Rarely does an image convey as much emotion as birth photographs do. Only a snapshot summarizes a cluster of feelings in the most important experience for parents: the birth of a child and everything that happens on that day. The previous hours, the intensity of labor, the time to see his face for the first time and his first hours of life in the immediate postpartum.

One more year, the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (in English, the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP) formed by more than 1200 specialized photographers in 42 countries has granted annual awards 2018 and has released the best photos of childbirth and postpartum. We share with you the winning photos, those that have obtained mentions and other beautiful photos, in total 19, that families have been kind enough to share for publication.

Winning Photography 2018

This year, the winner is again the winner of the year 2016, the Belgian photographer Marijke Thoen Geboortefotografie, who captured a beautiful photo of a water birth. In 2018, two years later, the baby that was born is now the older sister who observes the birth of the new baby of the family.

Winning photo in 2016 - Marijke Thoen Birthphotography

The photography is so spectacular that it has also received the prize awarded by 'Birth Becomes Her Photography Contest', a worldwide contest of birth photographs, in which no less than 966 images participated.

Best picture: labor

Rebecca Coursey Photography

Best photo: childbirth

Daniela Justus Photography

Best photo: postpartum

Esther Edith Photographer & Doula

Best photo: birth details

Daniela Justus Photography

Awards chosen by members

Winning photo

Esther Edith Photographer & Doula

Winning photo: labor

Rebecca Coursey Photography

Winning photo: Childbirth

Marijke Thoen Birthphotography

Winning photo: Postpartum

Tamara Milldove-Milldove Photography- Maternity, Birth and Newborn

Winning photo: birth details

Cat Fancote - Capturing Birth

Honorable mentions

Caroline Devulder-Caromama Marjolein Loppies-Curacao Nasemento Paige Driscoll-Santa Cruz Birth Photography & Doula Services Kandyce Joeline-Songbird and Oak Photography Megan Brock-Meg Brock Photography Tammy Karin-Little Leapling Photography Ashley Marston Photography CARLEE MELENKO-C Daisy Birth and Lifestyle Photography Krista Evans Photography Neely Ker-Fox-Ker-Fox Photography Robin Baker-Birth Blessings Photography & Doula Services

Video: The birth of my son! (June 2024).