Is stress hereditary? A study analyzes the consequences of suffering during pregnancy

In Babies and more We have talked on various occasions about stress in pregnancy and the possible effects it can have on the baby. For example, one study found that children of mothers who experienced stress during pregnancy were more likely to have low birth weight and also increases the likelihood of suffering from childhood asthma.

Now a new study shows us that in addition to influencing your physical health, the stress that mothers suffer during pregnancy is related to changes in the nervous system of babies, making them less resilient.

The study

Conducted by researchers from the University of California in San Francisco, to carry out this study, we analyzed the stress levels of 151 women who were between 12 and 24 weeks pregnant and they were followed up during their pregnancy and postpartum.

Tests were conducted to compare the levels of stress they had reported feeling during pregnancy, with objective levels of stress in their 6-month-old children. During the tests the heart rate of the babies was measured while their mothers looked into their eyes, but with the instructions that they won't interact with them or touch them for two minutes. This type of exercise is known as "the inexpressive face experiment" and has been previously used to measure the social interaction between mothers and babies.

Mothers were also asked to fill out a report where list the stressful moments they experienced during pregnancy, which included illnesses, problems in their relationship, difficulties at home and legal problems.

It was found that the babies of the mothers who had a greater number of stressful moments were more reactive than the children of those mothers who had few moments of stress during pregnancy. In addition, more reactive babies took longer to recover from what stressed them, demonstrating that they had less resilience.

Nicole Bush, one of the authors of the study comments in a report published on the University's website that: "This does not automatically mean that it is good or bad, but we know that being highly reactive increases the possibility that children suffer from a psychopathological problem, such as anxiety or depression, as well as to outsource their problems, have disruptive behavior, especially if they experience adverse environments. in the family or school".

However, she comments that in an optimal environment with few adversities, children who were more reactive to stress could be more sensitive to the benefits of positive relationships and experiences, achieving better social and emotional skills. What reminds us of a study that showed that the effects of stress during pregnancy could be healed by caressing the newborn.

What can you do to avoid stress during pregnancy

When we talk about pregnancy health, regularly the first thing that comes to our mind is the physical health of the pregnant woman. However, mental and emotional health is also equally important, as we have seen, it can influence the development of the baby.

Each woman lives her motherhood in a unique way and what can be stressful for some will not be for others, so it is important that everyone knows how to identify stress, since it does not affect everyone equally.

I share some ideas of things you can do during pregnancy to avoid stress:

  • Practice meditation or relaxation at home.
  • Take a relaxing bath.
  • Go get a prenatal massage.
  • Read a book.
  • Practice some exercise suitable for pregnancy, such as yoga, walking or swimming.
  • Listen to soothing music.
  • Spend time for yourself.

These activities may be easier for women who will be mothers for the first time than for those who already have children, as mother's work never ends and it seems that we have no rest. But for that It is important to talk with the couple and the family so that they support you and you can live a quiet pregnancy.

Remember that pregnancy should be a stage in which you should take care of yourself, and while you can continue with your normal life and activities (unless the doctor tells you otherwise), it is important put your well-being as a priority.

Photos | iStock
Via | Medical Xpress
In Babies and more | Healthy mens… The emotional health of the pregnant woman also influences the baby, how to avoid stress in pregnancy?

Video: 6. Behavioral Genetics I (July 2024).