7 activities of elders that your little one will love

There is an age (usually after 3 years) when children are able to do many household chores on their own. It's good promote their autonomy from a very young age so that they are aware of the sense of social and family responsibility. An excellent way to achieve this is to make them participants in the daily tasks of the home that can provide them with a sense of accomplishment and motivate them to want to do more, to overcome themselves and to dare with increasingly complicated tasks. Here are 7 activities that you will enjoy while practicing and feeling "older."

Learning to dress alone

The next step that every child takes, having left the diaper behind, is to dress and undress themselves. This happens at an age between 2 and 6 years old. The most natural way to achieve this is, of course, with the help of parents and with the task divided into several phases. For example, the first few weeks you should encourage him to be able to put on his underwear and socks.

The most important thing in this step is Don't lose your temper and respect your child's times which, surely, will be slower than you would like. When you have passed this first phase, explain how you should wear a shirt (with the label on the back) and later, you can put the clothes in the order in which they have to be placed so that you can take the habit.

Do not lose your temper, lend your help if you ask and, above all, do not break the rule. If your child has been able to wear only socks, tomorrow will be too. Congratulate him when he gets a new achievement so that he is aware of it, feels proud of himself and is motivated by new challenges.

Collect toys and store them

You can educate a child, progressively, to get into the habit of picking up their toys and keeping them in their place When you have finished playing with them. It is a task that you can begin to instill from the moment you start crawling although it is normal to do so after two years when it is more autonomous and has the most developed sense of disorder.

To get this habit the best thing is raise the activity as part of the game with the objective that you come to understand that when you want to pick up your toys again, you will know where they are stored. You can invent a song by saying that toys should be stored or play to guess where everything is stored.

Brush your teeth

From the age of two, the child already has almost all of his dental pieces, which you should start to get into the habit of brushing your teeth. First you will wash them, then he will do it under your supervision and finally he will be able to do it himself.

Children love to do older things, so a good way to encourage them to try is to make them see that it is a task for you too. You can brush your teeth at the same time as him to finish convincing him.


Accompanying you to the supermarket is another task in which your child can participate. In this case, in addition, it is a team work with which you will learn to collaborate, communicate and interact with more people.

A good option is to go to the supermarket by car to leave the bags in the trunk. During the journey you can play to review the shopping list, which you will have created together before, to see how many things you remember or even invent what things you would buy if you were a wizard, a dragon, a goblin etc. You will love to find matches.

In addition to entertaining, even if the journey is short, it is important that your little trip is completely safe. With the Chicco Oasys 2-3 Denim Edition car seat, approved and suitable for children between 3 and 12 years, you can adjust height and width to your child's measurements and guarantee maximum comfort and protection, thanks to its side reinforcements.

Set and unset the table

From 3 years old, children are already able to help us set and remove the table. At the beginning you will bring the plates and cutlery to the table and Your task will be to place them well with the plate in the center, the fork on the left and the spoon and knife on the right side of the plate. Then you can encourage him to take the plates and cutlery from the place where they are stored to the table and then return them to their order.

Feed the pet

If you have a pet at home, your child can handle it (always under your supervision), and acquire the sense of responsibility, empathy for other living beings and respect for animals. For example, he may be in charge of observing if your dog or cat's water container is full enough and change it completely once a day so that the animal always has clean water. You can also collaborate on other less everyday but necessary tasks, such as animal bathing or training. Walking the animal is another interesting activity It will help you pay more attention to the environment around you and take care to cross when the traffic light is green and always by the crosswalk. Remember, all these tasks can always be done under your supervision.

Watering plants

If you don't have a pet, you have an animal that is too big or your child is still small, you can start by instilling the sense of responsibility through the plants. Choose a few pots and make him in charge of watering them. You have to explain the frequency of irrigation that these plants will need and how much water they need to hydrate. Get a fun watering can and give it away. You will love the idea!

Can you think of more housework that your child is capable of doing on his own? Share them with us in the comments.

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Video: A Moving Story About Respecting Our Elders - The Wooden Bowl (July 2024).