Protect your children with these corner eaters

A house where there have never been children, or at least there are not assiduous, is at the base a field full of potential dangers, which multiply in the case of recent parents, not because of their inexperience, but also because As a general rule, we do not usually realize, until it is too late, the dangers that everyday objects mean to a baby.

One of these dangers is the corners of the furniture, which we only see as a potential danger when our son has started to walk and has almost taken one of them ahead. To avoid these scares we recommend that you use corner covers like these that we bring. Protect your children with these corner eaters.

We can find these protective animals in three models, a brown bear, green frog and white cat. Made of silica gel and easy to place and remove.

You can find them on Amazon, although its price, € 25.6 has seemed a bit high compared to other options.

Video: Your fast food can be your child's last foodprotect your kids (July 2024).