What a little night!

Normally the nights with my baby are being pretty quiet. Since he was born he sleep alone and as I learned to recognize his noises of hunger he has not come to mourn at night because he needed to eat.

Now, with 5 months, he no longer needs to feed so frequently and some nights he pulls them. Well, until 7 in the morning, it's fine for everyone's rest.

But it is not a clock, and in the same way that passes 3 nights in a row without waking up, others demand at midnight and our sleep is interrupted. It is normal, and the only drawback (mine, because she has no problems) is to get back to sleep. And everything goes normally if that night shot is as quiet as usual

However, this past Friday ... go night! Now I understand what they say that when you change a baby's schedule, it "gets out of control."

And, when the biological clock of babies has just adjusted, they begin to distinguish the day of the night and have taken the habit of falling asleep more or less at a certain time, disrupting that custom can bring us some consequences

Precisely among the strategies to help babies fall asleep, it is often cited to follow a routine to create the habit. So the little ones consider it "normal" to go to rest and it is relaxing for them to do something "known."

We usually make sure that Mar is in the cradle between 9 and 10 at night, but we had an unavoidable date, the celebration of the 60th birthday of the girl's grandfather, so she spent the whole night from arm to arm behaving like an angel and Everyone delighted. Although I looked at her sideways ... ayayay ... something I suspected already.

Indeed, poor baby, at 12 at night he fell asleep and when he got out of the car he began to cry and did not stop doing so while he put his pajamas or crib. So nothing to fall asleep alone. Sure, we took her in her arms and until he calmed down He had a good time.

Although it didn't end there Party of the night, because she woke up very nervous, kicking and crying, a few more times at night, so everyone awake and again trying to calm her as it was ... Even during the next day she was quite irritable.

We didn't sleep well at all, but she worse, poor thing! Anyway, it is nothing more than an anecdote, because yesterday again Mar rested deeply. Luckily for now, there are no celebratory evenings in sight ... And, until next time, we will try not to lose the good habit of sleeping relaxed and enough hours.

Video: A Little Night Music - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (July 2024).