Beware of new flu outbreaks in Asturias

A group of Asturian doctors is alerting the population of this community about a flu virus that appears to be much more aggressive and mutable than those known so farIn fact, the beginning of an epidemic is expected for next month. At the moment only a 9 year old girl has contracted the disease, but the predictions are not optimistic.

They characterize this virus, in addition to its aggressiveness and its ability to mutate, its rapid transmission through animals and humans. Remember that it is the elderly and children who may suffer the most, although health specialists also indicate that women are very likely to get the disease, it will be interesting to consider how it works when a contagious disease appears in a public school. Recall also that we are in the time when the Nursery Syndrome is very present. The Ministry of Health of the Asturian Community knows that this year the flu will attack with more virulence and the fact that it is such a mutable virus makes vaccines somewhat ineffective. Every year, health specialists must face new mutations and for this purpose new vaccines are designed, but they are not always an effective solution as can happen in this case.

It is possible that this new outbreak may spread through other communities, although for the moment the health officials have not talked about it. It would be interesting if the parents of this community came to learn about the new flu and how they should act to avoid contagion in children.

Video: Qualifications Register 2014 (July 2024).