Workshops that guide children to use the internet

The Barcelona City Council has presented some workshops promoted by the Catalan Association for Abused Children (ACIM), in order to teach children to use the Internet properly. The new workshops were inaugurated on the occasion of the International Day of the Rights of the Child celebrated yesterday November 20.

It is necessary to educate children about the proper use of the network, according to data from the Observatory of new technologies, 35.8% of Spanish households where children between the ages of 6 and 15 live have Internet access. The problem is that children believe they are not controlled and feel anonymous during navigation. Unintentionally, a child can be a victim of fraud, be captured by a sect, can introduce images that are subsequently manipulated or marketed, a thousand and one options that violate their rights. For this, these workshops have been created where a series of tips are provided to the little ones, the explanation of how and why, etc.

A website has also been developed that will serve as an orientation for parents, educators, etc., where it will be oriented on the different aspects that we have mentioned before. On this website there are also various educational resources, games or a calendar about the events that will be carried out for children.

Not everything is as innocent as it may seem, the elders know it, but not the children.

Video: Workshops on Internet Safety for Children (July 2024).