Choosing a nursery school: what to consider before deciding

At this time of year, many parents are focused on choosing the most appropriate educational center for their child. It is very important to be convinced that the center chosen meets the requirements we seek and that the child will be comfortable and well cared for. To help you, we give you some tips you should keep in mind to choose nursery school.

All legal

It seems obvious, but we must not trust anything. To avoid surprises, make sure that the center has been approved by the Ministry of Education of your Autonomous Community and that the educators are qualified professionals.

Also make sure that the ratio of children that must be in the classroom is met. Each group must have a tutor, but the school must also have support staff.

In Babies and more Tips to choose the nursery well. Interview with the psychologist Mónica Serrano

Secure facilities

When you go to know the center, train the eye to detect that it meets the basic security measures such as: fences on the stairs, protected corners and plugs, door stops, rubber floors, furniture and toilets adapted for children, ventilation, natural light, shaded areas in the patio, etc ...


Find out also about the exit to the playground of the kids, who are always guarded by an educator, that there is no possibility that the child goes out into the street due to an oversight, and that they control the delivery of children at the time of departure.

An essential point is that of the cleaning. A place where many young children live together is essential to comply with strict hygiene measures, especially in the area of ​​changing rooms and bathrooms.

Educational project and ideology

It is very important that the philosophy of the center and what it offers at the educational level square us. Today there are multiple educational options to choose from. There are more experimental schools, others more focused on the artistic, others more traditional ...

Find out about the program to be implemented and the work methodology. The educational plan should contribute to enhancing children's abilities, to building their capacity to discover and experience for themselves.

It is essential that the center maintain a fluid communication with the parents, that the relationship between both parties is close and that it is open to family participation.

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Ask for opinions

In these cases, word of mouth is the best (or worst) publicity. Ask other parents what they like the most and the least of the educational center. Ask for their opinion about the school and if there has been a problem, what has been the position of the center to solve it.

The AMPA (Association of Mothers and Parents of Students) is also a good point of reference, since they know in depth the operation of the school.

Other things to consider when choosing nursery school

  • Distance from home: One of the most valued things is that the school is close to home, not only to avoid displacement problems (if you can walk, better) but also because in any emergency a neighbor or friend can go to pick it up.

  • Nap: Ask how much, where and how they take a nap. Make sure the facilities are adapted for a good rest.

  • Dinning room: You must have a dining room for exclusive use. Find out if they prepare the food in the center or use a catering company, how they prepare the menus, who feeds the child and whether breastfeeding is facilitated for babies who breastfeed.

  • Adaptation period: the first days are not going to be easy, I advance it, so ask about everything related to the adaptation of the child: the schedules, if you can accompany them, if the child's needs are respected, etc ...

  • Visit the centers: Sometimes appearances are deceiving, so do not forget to visit the centers that you consider as an option. If possible, also go to the time of entry or exit to get a better idea.

  • Last but not least, learn well about the rates from nursery school to avoid encountering unpleasant surprises. Ask if you have to pay registration, place reservation, what is the number of annual fees, the price of overtime, school supplies, extracurricular, excursions, etc ...

Video: Choosing a nursery what to look out for (July 2024).