The desperate appeal of a mother on Twitter to the bullying that her son is suffering: "he has thought about taking his own life"

Bullying or bullying is something very serious that shouldn't leave us indifferent. Family, school and society as a whole must row in the same direction, support the victims and denounce the stalkers.

And precisely support is what Rocío has found through Twitter, when he decided to publish a video narrating the ordeal his son is suffering and asking the competent authorities for help. Many people sympathized with her and thanks to the dissemination achieved, her case is already in the hands of the administration.

A desperate appeal

Rocío's son has been bullying for more than a year. It all started at the school where he studied primary education, in Molina del Segura (Murcia), but has continued with his passage to the institute as he continues to share studies with the same classmates who were harassing him then.

Desperate for the serious situation her son is experiencing, and helpless for not knowing how to help you, Rocío decided to publish a video on social networks explaining his case and requesting urgent help from Molina del Segura Children's Mental Health, under the Ministry of Health of Murcia.

The woman says in tears that her son "can no longer", who does not want to go to school and has even thought about taking his own life. Therefore, please be treated as soon as possible and have your child don't have to wait for the four months waiting list to be seen by a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

Rocío also states in his video to have asked the school for help and not get any solution. "I don't know who to turn to, I don't know how to help my son"Repeat desperately.

Hi, @Murciasalud; This neighbor of Molina de Segura, Murcia, makes a desperate appeal to your involvement, for the #bullying her son suffers and destroys the family. If you are so kind to give solutions, we would appreciate it all. @nachoguerreros @RedAipis

- FamiliaresDeDoloresN (@humanizacionSS) February 22, 2018

@UsuariosanidadM @MariaAngelesGN @consuelopsrm @luciapediatra @SER_Murcia @AytMolinaSegura

- FamiliaresDeDoloresN (@humanizacionSS) February 22, 2018

And Twitter has turned to her

Twitter users felt quickly shocked with the desperate message of this mother, and were offering support and advice from different fields:

Send this link to you please FACAE is a professional team of volunteers, we advise you for free and help you throughout the process, giving you the guidelines to follow. We have a psychologist who could give you some guidelines. We wait for you // / o4bJiA9ctP

- Mariana (@ Sangre13) February 23, 2018

If in some way we can help that child and Rocío count on the CEIP Anita Arnao de Mula, from AMPA we will help the integration of the child to the best of our ability.

- AMPA CEIP AnitaArnao (@AMPAanitaarnao) February 23, 2018

The center has to open a disciplinary file, an investigation is opened with a teacher named instructor, chosen by lottery among the cloister. Once concluded, it is proposed to the inspection sanctions that can be the expulsion or change of center of the stalkers.

- belladelseñor (@belladelsenhor) February 22, 2018

Until finally, the competent authorities contacted Rocío and promised to help her.

This message was sent by Esperanza Moreno, Director General of Attention to Diversity and Educational Quality of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports:

Hi. I am the competent DG in this area of ​​the Ministry of Education. Rocio, could you send me your data privately? I am contacting you. A hug

- Esperanza Moreno (@RmEsperanza) February 22, 2018

Adela Martínez-Cachá, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports also addressed Rocío to show her support:

Rocio, we get in touch with you. We are going to help you. Our goal is also that no children suffer harassment

- Adela Martínez-Cachá (@AdelaMCacha) February 22, 2018

End bullying, everyone's task

Unfortunately, the case of Rocío and his son is just one more in this terrible scourge of bullyingAnd as a mother, I feel helpless and indignant at the desperate call of this woman.

Bullying is something that should be stopped from the first sign, because it is not "children's thing". And although more and more families and schools are involved in the prevention and early detection of cases of bullying, there is still a long way to go.

It is important that everyone (family, friends, classmates, teachers, school workers, pediatricians ...) become aware of the severity of this problem and let's open our eyes to detect any evidence that might make us suspect that the child is being a victim of bullying.

Likewise, parents also have a very important responsibility: prevent bullying from continuing to happen, educating our children in empathy, love and respect, and providing them with tools that allow them to avoid being victims of bullying.

Because no child should ever go through something like that, nor should any mother be alone, desperate and lost in this situation. Against bullying, zero tolerance.
  • Via Chain Being

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