Tangerine cream Easy dessert recipe for the whole family

Many times we complicate our lives to prepare a dessert, when there are very simple recipes like this Tangerine cream, an easy dessert recipe for the whole family As you will see, it is prepared in a very short time.

The recipe It can also be prepared with orange juice or other fruit juice, but if you prepare it protno, you can still make it with tangerines, whose sweet and delicious flavor will give a very special touch to this dessert with which everyone at home will be delighted.

Ingredients for 2 glasses of tangerine cream

  • 200 ml of tangerine juice, 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon icing sugar, 2 tablespoons cold milk

How to make a delicious tangerine cream for dessert

The first thing we have to do is squeeze the tangerines to get their delicious juice. Possibly you always eat the tangerines meals and not squeezed, but when you taste their juice, you will like it so much that you will try to take advantage of the season to have a good juice at breakfast.

We heat the juice without boiling and in the meantime we dissolve cornstarch in cold milk. In a bowl, mix the egg yolk and icing sugar and beat with energy for a couple of minutes. We add the milk with the cornstarch and integrate it well.

Come on dumping the previous preparation on the tangerine juice and when it is very homogeneous, we put it back to heat in the saucepan where after about five minutes to the fire, stirring continuously, it will begin to thicken. We extinguished the fire and passed it to some glasses.

We let it cool inside the refrigerator until serving time. As I had some sliced ​​apple slices left over from the kiwi recipe stuffed with mascarpone and apple crisp the other day, I took the opportunity to decorate the glasses with a couple of combs, but you can also use some mandarin segments or lime zest, to give a contrast of color and aroma.

Processing time | 10 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy recipe


This Tangerine cream is a very simple dessert recipe for the whole family which is taken in scoops. It is very good when it is very cold, so we recommend you take it out of the fridge just when it is going to be consumed.

Video: Tiny Kitchen: Tangerine Sherbet. The New York Times (July 2024).